2018 Customer Conference of Asia Fish Oil Corporation successfully ended with the two day and night journey to the Southwest together with the Mekong River interesting exploration. Through this event, the company suppliers, distributors, customers, especially those esteemed customers from the North and the Centre had a very special experience in the Mekong River, in self-feeding the fish on floating fish cages, trying Cham ethnic people 's clothes, weaving frabics, visiting Cham mosques and seeing the landscapes along Hau River (a branch of Mekong River).
The conference has brought wonderful memories and also tightened the strong business relationship between our customers and the company.
Please have a close look on the memorial photos and moments of this event!.

Customer Conference - Red Ranee - Confidence in winning with Mekong Chronicle was ended but it sets a new milestone in the cooperation for bilateral success and development between the esteemed partners, customers and AFO in the future.