Cooking oils play an important role in consumers' health and making foods more delicious and nutritious. The superior characteristic of high temperature endurance (up to 246℃) of cooking oil from fish in comparison with other vegetable cooking oils does not only meet those factors but also very excellent to the housewives in choosing which cooking oils for their daily meals.
1. The worry on blackened cooking oils
During the housewives' daily kitchen activities, the blackened cooking oil is their biggest worries. Cooking oils are sensitive to high temperatures, so during the cooking and frying processes, cooking oils can turn brown and smoky when reaching a certain high temperature (smoke point) and the characteristic burning smell is appearing in the whole kitchen space. According to the old aged people's views, whenever there is smoke inside the pans or pots while frying or cooking, the foods are more delicious. However, when the cooking oil turns smoky, harmful substances to human bodies appear.

When reaching a certain boiling temperature, cooking oils will turn out smoky and burning smell appears
An English professor, Grootveld from De Montfort University in Leicester has carried out many studies and experiments on what happens to the cooking oils when being cooked above the boiling temperatures. He discovered that when the temperature exceeds the smoking point (the average temperatures of all the cooking oils are ranging from 180℃ to 230℃), the nutrients start decomposing and oxidized (the sign is when cooking oil turns darker in color), there are harmful substances like Aldehyde and Lipid Peroxide - the cancer and Cardiovascular disease precusors. Many health experts also advise the consumers to avoid using foods cooked or fried in burnt cooking oils in order to prevent the disease causing factors.
Another study proved the smoke from burnt cooking oils contains harmful substances to the cells and can modify human DNA. A small hole can sink a big ship, when the consumners use burnt cooking oil long enough, the damaged body cells can be accumulated, modified and will become cancer causing precusors, according to the report from Mayo Clinic.
Some foods with oil absorbing, when cooked or fried in burnt cooking oils, the foods will turn out bitter and have burning tastes “The first reason in choosing the foods is their tastes and flavors. And the foods prepared in blackened cooking oils may have bitter, burnt, rancid tastes” - Lexi Endicott, an American nutritionist disclosed.
A worrying reason for all the chefs and cooks is when using burnt cooking oils, the cuisines do not have attractive visual apprearances. The foods are somewhat burnt or even discolorized. It is said that the diners eat foods "with their eyes not their mouths", so the boiling temperature is one of the chefs' biggest concerns when choosing cooking oils for their restaurants..
2. A wise choice on cooking oils for the whole family

The boiling temperature on each cooking oil must be known for health safety
Those cooking oils with high smoke points contain much vitamin and little fat benefital for consumers' health. As per the nutrition facts of many present frying cooking oils, with almost 14g total fat and 385 mcg vitamin A in one teaspoon, the smoke point reaches 230℃.
While with the same amount of cooking oil from fish, the smoke point reaches 246℃, the total fat is below 5g and vitamin A 940 mcg. The level of high vitamin and less total fat is the advantagous good choice for more nutritious daily meals.
According to the nutritionists from National Institute of Nutrition of Vietnam, the nutritious levels in foods from fish are specially higher than other foods. The protein in fresh water catfish is 28% higher than other fresh water fish and unsaturated fat percentage is two times higher than sunflower oil (23g) basing on 100g serving. While such benefital fatty acids that human bodies cannot self produce like Omega 3-6-9, DHA, EPA are plentiful in fresh water catfish meeting the human body fatty acid need sufficiently.

Ranee nutritious cooking oil 100% from fish in one of the national events
With the great advantage of containing no harmful substances when frying at high temperatures and smoke point 246℃, RBD nutritous cooking fish oils are perfect cooking oils replacing other ones in the markets. Moreover, nutritious cooking oil 100% from fish is the first cooking oil in the world with fish origin and international health benefital certification.