In the contrary of some misunderstanding on the oil and fat bad effects on human health, cooking oils from fish are health benefital. This is the reason why cooking fish oils are trusted and used for the families' fried and cooked foods.
To have good eyesight, avoid retinal diseases, it is necessary to have balanced diets and foods rich in anti-oxidants. Those daily nutrients good for our eyes we should have are lutein, zeazanthin, vitamin A and E, Omega 3. According to Boldsky (a famous magazine on health and nutrition), Omega 3 helps to protect the capillaries surrounding and below the eyeballs, limits the degeneration process of yellow macular spot and strengthens the eyesight.
Beside the good amount of vitamin E, cooking oil from fish also contains a certain amount of vitamin A that brightens the eyesight and prevents the dangeous eye diseases like cataracts, etc.
According to a study from a US cardiovascular magazine, cooking oil from fish can considerably reduce cardiovascular diseases because the natural Omega 3 from fish can limit cardiovascular health problems through the process of reducing triglyceride in blood, blood clots and improving the blood pressure issues.
A study on over 40,000 US males, those who usually have one or more meals prepared in cooking oil from fish a week may have 15% lower of cardiovascular disease risks in comparison with those who do not have cooking oil from fish.
In the meantime, Omega 3 is proved to play a very important role in brain development, reduce cardiovascular disease risks, benefital for fetus development during pregnancy.
Beside Omega 3 and vitamin A, cooking oil from fish also contains a certain amount of natural vitamin E that prevents aging. Vitamin E contributes to the eye strength and recover the eyesight after eye problems. In reality, it is proved that those who have sufficient vitamin E can limit to 25% of macular degeneration. Furthermore, together with EPA and DHA, vitamin E also helps to control blood cholesterol and circulatory system stability.
Lipid reaches about 20% of the total important energy contribution to the human body in comparison with protein, cabohydrates and other nutrients. Human bodies need three different lipids: Saturated fatty acid, Mono Saturated Fatty Acid and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid with suitable percentages.
Ms. Phan Bich Nga, a nutrientist acknowlegdes the recommended fatty acid percentage in Vietnamese grown up people is 18 - 25%. Among those, saturated fats do not exceed 10% and unsaturated fats 10-15% in the diets.
Understanding the great nutritious values from cooking oil from fish, Asia Fish Oil Corporation (AFO) successfully developed Ranee nutritious cooking oil 100% from fish after seveal years of surveys and studies.
Our refinery plant with modern machinery and equipment from Europe (Belgium) and integrated refining circle, strictly controlled production, our cooking oil is best deodorized while the natural nutrients from fish like Omega 3,6, 9, EHA/EPA and vitamin E still remain.
The experts from National Nutrition Institute of Vietnam conclude Ranee nutritious cooking fish oil contains much polyunsaturated fatty acid that can help easy digestion, quick and effective enery transforming process. Besides, unsaturated fatty acid play an important role in keeping our health, effectively working organs, reducing bad cholesterol (LDL), good for cardiovascular system, eyesight, preventing many dangerous optical diseases.
Specially, fatty acids from Ranee nutritous cooking fish oil help the best absorbtion of vitamin A, D, E, K in foods.
Not only containing the natural nutrients benefital to our health, Ranee nutritious cooking oil from fish also increases the food flavors and tastes and help the whole family to fully enjoy the delicious foods. This is the reason many housewives trust and use Ranee nutritious cooking oil from fish, it is really a good companion in every family's daily meals.